
Showing posts from May, 2012

Summer Lovin'...

Memorial Day holiday weekend always marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer! In order to celebrate the coming months I thought I'd share my most recent wedding invitation with custom artwork done for a private client. Wishing everyone a fantastic summer full of fun, love, and everything in between...!

What Maurice Sendak Meant to Me...

So I was planning on doing a post this morning about some of my new work, but it just didn't seem right considering the events that have recently transpired.  Maurice Sendak, one of the most influential writer/illustrators of the childrens literature world, passed away today. Maurice Sendak: 1928 - 2012 I don't believe I need to list a catalogue of great things Maurice Sendak did, because if you are reading this you undoubtedly are already a fan, or at least know of his work.  Mr. Sendak was nothing if not cutting edge, dark, with a twist of lighthearted fun.  In a portfolio review I had at my first SCBWI conference a book designer from Simon & Schuster told me that elements of my work had a darkness to it.  She went on to say that Maurice Sendak had recently given a talk and believed that this was an element missing from current picture books. Children liked to be scared and know at the end that they will be okay.  I was so flattered by this mild association, that ev