As Celestina stitched Buffy into her gown, she glanced at the golden invite, “This says ALL eligible girls on The Avenue!” she exclaimed.

“So?!” snapped Buffy, “Do you honestly think Princeton would want to be with someone as LAME as you?”

“What would you even wear?” Bitsy agreed with her sister, “Last year’s rejects that you stole from the TRASH!”

“Ah! I did not forget…I saved the best for last.” Auntie pulled out of her bag the most beautiful and delicate glass slippers Celestina had ever seen, “These belonged to your mother. Only the women in our family can wear them. Once you put them on your feet, they are yours forever until you pass them down to your daughter.” She delicately placed them on her feet and it felt like she was walking on air.

“Now, the magic will not last forever!” Auntie warned, “Once the clock hits midnight, the charms are broken, and everything will go back to the way it was. Now go!”

At the ball, Princeton could not have been more bored. He stood in the back of the ballroom, escorted by bodyguards and his father, greeting each lady and giving them a single red rose. A mysterious woman entered the ballroom looking a little lost, and very beautiful. He wanted to meet her immediately.

Princeton darted to Celestina, and he gave her a rose, they began to dance and talk.

Modern Cinderella Illustrations
Orignal Story written by myself

Watercolor with Pen & Ink on Hot Press Paper


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