Super Models!

After much searching and seeking, I luckily happened upon the most fabulous pair of girls that are willing to model for me!

I've been told by many instructors that finding models is the way to go. It saves time in the long run, and you can get the exact pose you need. I happened to pop into work when the most outgoing six-year old I think I have ever met was selling girl scout cookies. Being a former girl scout, I couldn't resist buying a box, and started talking with the Brownie, whose name is Lula. I also came to find that she had an older sister, 8 years old, the perfect age for Kelly in my Mattie books!!

After talking to their super-hip mom (former Manhattenite) she agreed to let me use her girls for my illustrations. Hazel works so well with Mattie, it is like fate. She really is a natural with my pooch. The two of them are establishing a great relationship.

Lula was a perfect fit for Alice in Wonderland. I have a great piece featuring Alice and the Cheshire Cat that will be used for my Animal Life Drawing class, and also for my portfolio. She was a laugh riot to shoot! Lula was obviously a natural actress, and as we began to take photos, she continued to think of many things that Alice should be doing! She was great.

I'm so lucky to have found these girls! They are such a joy to be around, full of life and fun. I am always smiling after every shoot I schedule with them. Look at these faces! Wouldn't you??


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